Ping Pong
Two monitors are set across from each other at a distance of approx. 3 meters on a black pedestal (90 cm high) in a small space. At the right and left side of the wall two loudspeakers stand on the floor.
Loudspeaker 1 is wired to monitor A. Loudspeaker 2 is wired to monitor B. One sees the bust of a man wearing a yellow T-shirt in monitor A. In monitor B there is the bust of a man wearing an orange T-shirt. Each has a Ping-Pong paddle in his right hand, which he uses to deflect the oncoming balls in the
direction of his partner.
The sound of the ball meeting the paddle is heard from the monitor. The ball hitting the off-camera table is heard from either one of the loudspeakers on the floor. The "ping" of the paddle is on one audio channel and the "pong" is on the other channel.
The irregular edits and the differing, longer sequences that follow each other constantly confuse the
rhythm of the game. One never really knows if the two men are playing with each other or not. It seems that balls are being thrown back and forth, but each is really playing on his own at the same time. Only the appearance of communication, an exchange of blows, takes place.
An audio-visual game.
This installation was on view from 14 September - 13 October 1991 in the exhibition "Förderpreise '91 - Vorschläge der Jury" in Munich, Künstlerwerkstatt Lothringerstraße (with the video installation "Wooing The Viewer", which had already been exhibited in the "KunstBetrieb Dachau".)