Sleepless Under Full Moon
Window projection at gallery Petra Stilper in the context of the "Luminale 12" festival and "V-Kunst" in Frankfurt am Main in April 2012.
On the lower part of the display window one can see from outside a man in life size lying on a blue bed, tossing and turning. With his eyes closed, he tries to find the perfect sleeping position. Above him a bright moon is glowing, disappearing behind a cloud from time to time.
From the direction of the video projector the viewer can hear the regular ticking of an alarm clock.
The window pane was only partially covered with a rear projection screen: In the lower part, where the performer is visible and one meter above for the moon. Here a circular shape in the size of the moon was mounted onto the glass. The rest of the black video background between man and moon stays unseeable.
Sleeping man: Bodo Seipke