Behind the Curtain
Behind the Curtain
Behind the Curtain

Behind the Curtain

2011 – HD, 28:13 min, video projection in a display window

In the evening after closing time we can see a woman cleaning a gallery space through a semitransparent curtain hanging in the display window. She puts on a frock, is busy with the vacuum cleaner, climbs a ladder, takes the trash away, makes a break, drinks and talks on the phone before changing cloths and switching the light off.

The video is projected onto a translucent rear projection foil from inside hanging like a curtain in the window. The sequences were shot through a thin white curtain, so it’s difficult to distinguish from outside if we watch a projection or a real situation through the drape.

The video projection was shown in project space „Interaction“ in Berlin-Mitte, Linienstraße from November 18 until December 17, 2011 starting at 6 p.m. every evening.

Actress: Ann Kristin Kreisel Assistance: Dirk Holzberg