Out of the black frame the heads of divers arise, equipped with different snorkels, glasses and caps. They observe us and descent again in the underground.
The voice-over commentary let the divers appear as strange creatures. They seem to be aggressive and voracious, they disguise and defend themselves, they mate and vanish.
The french title „Sous-marins“ means not only "under water“ but also submarines, moles and colloquially agents and spies.
This work can be shown in a cinema-like situation or as a site specific work where the oversized heads don’t appear from the middle of the picture but from the bottom edge of a wall or window.
The voice-over text was inspired by various underwater films as „Les amours de la pieuvre“ (The Love Life of the Octopus), 1965 and „Histoires de crevettes“ (Shrimp Stories), 1964 by Jean Painlevé (1902-1989). It describes the behaviour of octupusses, giant squids, jellyfishes, see horses, dolphins, see cows and other sea dwellers. The soundtrack makes stylistic references to electronic music of the 1960s.
Actors: Sabine Dohnke, Antje Göthling, Justus Göthling, Frauke Hönsch-Kaczmarek, Ingo Kaczmarek, Thorsten Klettke, Angela Nenov, Louisa Rusch, Thomas Schaal, Günter Schlabitz; Location: Tauchzentrale Berlin, www.tauchzentrale.de;
directing: Anna Anders; assistance: Franziska Röhlig; director of photography: Thomas Kutschker; sound recording: Christoph Baumgarten; editing: Anna Anders; color grading: Till Beckmann; voice over: Ben Posener (English), François Rossier (French); sound design: Tobias Purfürst; sound mixing: Christian Obermaier.